
After reading someone's goal of a photo a day, seeing some friends photo pages, and someone's photo blog, I wanted to create a collection of my own work. I love taking photos when I travel, on day trips, and of friends and family. I recently (July/07) found out I have taken over 9,200 which currently live on my computer. I want to keep collecting images that I find inspiring and share them with others.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Saturday Night and Wandering Around Second Life

Well I had tonight to myself and played around in Second Life for a while. Tonight I saw came across some really neat stuff.

I sat went up a chairlift in The Weather Network sim. Wandered around a gorgeous park where I took a midnight photo by a waterfall. I watch a bit of an old Vincent Price movie in a theatre. Then I found a drive-in theatre and was able to see Vantage Point (unfortunately I did just rent it the other night).

How cool is it to be able to do all this?

I did have a car at the drive in, but the owner asked for unnecessary scripts to be dropped and I assumed she meant the extra cars. At one point I actually drove my car into the water behind the drivein. LOL. Sitting on the wall seemed safter.

Of course this all would have been more fun had I been wandering with a friend...lol. Let me know if you're in Second Life too and we can meet up for a chat.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Drive Home

One thing I really like about my new home location is the drive home just as the sun is setting. I live just past a large flat where several sod farms are located. What's really nice are the gorgeous and SPECTACULAR (this is a "joke" for mom) sunsets that appear. Last night was an extremely pink sky. It was beautiful. I treasure these as I won't have many more, at least from the view of my dining table. The new houses going in behind me will take care of that picture. I liked this shot because the sun was just hidden behind the clouds but not down quite yet. They seemed to glow just a little more then normal. I've got several shots (all from my car as I park at the side of the road.)

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Canada Day 2008

A little late on the posting here, but my family (brother Scott, sister Amy, and brother-in-law Steve) did our traditional excursion to watch the fireworks again this year. Our secret spot isn't so secret anymore, but the view is great, the parking is perfect, and the fireworks are SPECTACULAR.
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Ooh Tea Cosies!!!

My sister and I took a recent trip to Kingston for the afternoon to pick up some lovely vases for her upcoming wedding. After a trip down the 401 that Noah probably would have avoided, a transfer of a unmarked box from one trunk to another in an underground garage, and a lovely lunch, we headed downtown Kingston for further fun.

My bestest friend from high school and his wife joined us (in fact chauffeured us) around the town. We did a small drive by tour of Fort Henry. Saw the incredible leaning trees and an empty field that we just had to get out and read the place marker. Turned out the empty field use to be a hospital. Back into the car and down to the shopping area where we found a lovely craft market displayed. There were a lot of artisans here and a few I have seen sell their wears at other markets. The best from this small excursion was my buddy James re-enacting an event that happened several years ago when I was visiting him.....

(cue dream sequence) I couldn't believe it when I was walking with James through a Christmas craft show that quite some time of passing booth after booth James squeals with delight....(yes squeals!!!) "Oooh Tea Cosies". Look at this guy. 6 ' 4", big, burly and is excited about tea cosies. He told me at the time...."this is what buying a new home does to you". I of course never believed his story. However, it's still a great tale in both of our minds and one we'll probably laugh another 25 years about.